IModel West Region

Club Contact Responsibilities

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WRSL Club Contact Responsibilities

The Club Contact is a vital link between the League and the Club. In order to ensure Club Contacts are prepared and informed we have created the following list of expectations / responsibilities. 

Responsibilities of the Club Contact:

1. Ensure the coaches from your club know you, your role within your club and have all of your contact information.
2. Inform and enforce with your club coaches the proper WRSL contact procedure. The WRSL will not act upon requests or reply to inquiries made by anyone other than yourself – please make sure your coaches are fully aware of this.

3. Review and forward all of the information sent from your club to the WRSL.

4. Review all of the information sent from the WRSL to your club.  Forward all pertinent information to your coaches, directors etc.  You are the liaison between your club and the WRSL.

5. Familiarize yourself with the WRSL Rules & Regulations and procedures to be in a position to give accurate up-to-date information to their respective clubs and coaches.
6. Ensure game protests are sent in according to the WRSL rules. (Section 21.0)

7. Ensure your club coaches are aware and comply with WRSL policies regarding Fair Play.

8. Monitor club/team websites and content to ensure accordance with the WRSL Fair Play guidelines.

9. Provide information to your club coaches regarding coach certification requirements and available courses.

10. Attend the following meetings:
a) The WRSL Annual General Meeting (AGM).
b) All WRSL Special General Meetings (SGM).
c) The Annual WRSL Coaches Meeting.

    11. Register your club teams with the WRSL at the Team Registration deadline.

    12. Provide the WRSL Secretary with accurate field maps for your playing venues.

    13. Ensure all regular season games are completed in accordance with the date limitations as set forth in the WRSL Rules and Regulations.

    14. Verify and Sign all team rosters for the WRSL KICK OFF CUP.