IModel West Region


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Article 1 - Interpretation

a. The name of the Corporation shall be the “Western Region Soccer League” hereinafter referred to as “WRSL” and/or “league”.

b. The governing organization shall be Ontario Soccer.

c. A member shall be any club or district club team competing in the WRSL.

d. No individual or organization acting under the jurisdiction of WRSL shall deny membership to, or expel; any party without just cause or determined by WRSL to be arbitrary.

e. The governing body may publish rules and regulations, policies, and by-laws that are adopted by the governing organization shall not violate an individual’s rights or freedom except as may be required to protect the rights and freedom of any other individual and to ensure stability of the basic structure of the game.

f. The rules and regulations, policies and by-laws shall NOT be modified without the advice of the governing association and/or consulting the membership.

Article 2 – Objectives

a. The objective of WRSL shall be to organize competition for teams entered into the league in accordance with the Ontario Soccer and WRSL policies and procedures.

Article 3 – Organization

a. WRSL board members shall be composed of members as stated in this constitution and shall be managed by the governing organization.

b. WRSL shall be affiliated with Ontario Soccer.

Article 4- Membership

a. The four (4) District Associations below shall have automatic membership.

  • Essex County Soccer Association
  • Elgin Middlesex Soccer Association
  • Lambton Kent Soccer Association
  • South West Region Soccer Association

b. Any Club, a member properly constituted with any of the above four (4) District Associations, shall be eligible for membership. Playing-In permission may also be given to Clubs from outside the boundaries of the four (4) District Associations in accordance with Ontario Soccer Policies.

c. Applications for membership must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before the date fixed annually for final entries. The board members may consider late entries.

d. A member remains in good standing providing:

  1. No monies are outstanding for a period longer than thirty days (30) and
  2. The member fulfills its obligation to the league.

Article 5 – Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order as they apply.
  2. Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held after December 1st. 
  3. Each member shall be given written notice thirty (30) days in advance stating the date, time and location of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  4. The appointment of auditors to perform an Audited Financial Statement shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the membership.
  5. A representative from each member club is required to attend the AGM.
  6. Special General Meetings (SGM) may be held at the request of the President or at the request in writing of three (3) club members in good standing.
  7. Only the business for which the SGM has been called shall be dealt with.
  8. All members shall be notified thirty (30) days in advance stating the date, time and location of the Special General Meeting.
  9. Every member in good standing is entitled to one (1) vote at the AGM or SGM.
  10. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum at the AGM or SGM.

Article 6- Board of Directors

a. The business of WRSL shall be conducted by a Board of Directors which shall consist of at least ten (10) individuals including:

  • 4 Officers which will include a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and
  • 4 Directors and
  • 4 Representatives with one from each of the four District Associations as appointed by each District Association

b. Officers and Directors shall be elected by the membership at the AGM

c. Tenure for Officers and Directors shall be for a two (2) year term. The President the Secretary and two (2) Director positions shall be held in even numbered years and the Vice President, Treasurer and two (2) Director positions shall be held in odd numbered years. 

d. In the event of vacancy, the board may appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the term of that position.

e. If an elected member misses three (3) consecutive meetings or is absent more than 50% of the meetings, the Board will review the member’s position with possible removal from the Board.

f. The board shall meet monthly at a location determined by the President. A majority of Board members present shall form a quorum.

Article 7 - Duties of the Board

a. President Shall:

  1. Preside over every meeting
  2. Select the meeting place.
  3. Be a signing Officer.
  4. Represent WRSL at all official functions.
  5. Will not have voting status at meetings unless it is to break a tie vote.

b. Vice President Shall:

  1. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
  2. Perform duties as prescribed by the President.
  3. Be a signing Officer.

c. Secretary Shall:

  1. Attend all meetings.
  2. Be the custodian of minutes of all meetings and correspondence files.

d. Treasurer Shall:

  1. Be responsible for the league’s financial transactions.
  2. Record accurately the financial transactions of the league and report it at the Board meetings and AGM.
  3. Provide a year end detailed report to all members.
  4. Be a signing Officer.

e. Directors Shall:

  1. Perform all tasks as set out by the President and / or Board.
  2. Represent the members within the District they are affiliated with.

Article 8 – Finances

a. The accounts of the league shall be reviewed annually following the end of the League’s fiscal year.

b. The Financial Statement must be audited by a Chartered Accountant.

c. The fiscal year shall be the one-year period ending October 31st.

Article 9 – Indemnity

a. Members of the Board of Directors or other servants to the League, their heirs, executors, administrators and estate and effects respectively shall be indemnified and saved harmless at all times by the League against all costs, losses and expenses incurred by them respectively in or about the discharge of their respective duties, except such as happens from their own respective willful neglect or default.

Article 10 – Dispute Resolution

a. The League shall adhere to the Dispute Resolution process as published and approved by Ontario Soccer from time to time.

b. Any member of the League may initiate the Dispute Resolution process by communicating in writing to Ontario Soccer, with a copy to the League and district association, the nature and facts of the dispute.  Ontario Soccer, at its discretion, may proceed with the Dispute Resolution process by assigning one or more neutral persons to the dispute.

c. The Dispute Resolution process shall not be used for game discipline which follows the normal discipline and appeals process.

d. The League shall make available to any member the Dispute Resolution process when requested.

Article 11 – Harassment

a. The League shall adhere to the Harassment Policy as published and approved by Ontario Soccer from time to time.

b. The Harassment Policy shall apply to all employees, directors, officers, volunteers, coaches, game officials, administrators, players, members and registrants of the League.

c. Harassment is defined as any comment, conduct, or gesture directed toward an individual or group of individuals which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading or offensive.  It includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment.

d. The League shall make available to any member the Harassment Policy when requested.

Article 12 – Appeals

a. Any Member or registrant of the League directly affected by a decision of the League may appeal such decision. The denial or termination of Membership in the League may be appealed by a non-Member.

b. A decision of the League may be appealed to Ontario Soccer with which the League is affiliated. The appeal shall be conducted in accordance with Ontario Soccer's published rules.

Note: Appeals to Ontario Soccer will not be recognized until the Ontario Soccer Appeals process has been overhauled, all bias removed from the system and that every person on the Appeals Committee have read and fully understand the wording and the reasoning for the wording within the Ontario Soccer Operational Policies and Procedures. 

c. An individual shall not appeal a decision made by the Board of Directors regarding the appointment, non-appointment, re-appointment or revocation of an appointment of an individual to any coach or administrator position within the League's operations, except where the selection, appointment and revocation process outlined in the League's published rules has not been followed.

Article 13 – Dissolution

a. In the event of dissolution of the League, and after payment of all debts and liabilities, its remaining property shall be distributed or disposed of by the Board of Directors to one or more not-for-profit soccer related organizations which is (are) registered with Ontario Soccer.

Article 14 - Amendments to the Constitution

a. All proposed amendments to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the secretary at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual General Meeting and/or a Special General Meeting.

b. Copies of the amendments shall be sent to all members at least fourteen (14) days in advance to the meeting at which they will be considered.

c. Amendments shall become effective upon attaining a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the members present at the meeting.

d. All amendments must be submitted to the Competition Management Committee for review and/or approval.
December 2019