IModel West Region

Kick-Off Cup Rules

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WRSL KICK OFF CUP Rules & Regulations

​1.  The WRSL will hold a yearly cup competition, known as the Kick Off Cup. It will be played in a multiple game format. The Kick Off Cup is to be played on Saturday and Sunday of the weekend before the start of the WRSL Season.

2.  Opponents will be determined by draw and all games must be played as scheduled.

3.  All teams must play in the Kick Off Cup. Teams failing to play, unless for an overriding OSA games (i.e.: Ontario Cup) or OSA player situation (Provincial Teams game) according to WRSL rules and regulation will be fined as specified in Appendix A.

4.   Teams may have up to 3 players from within their club as a guest player in the Kick Off Cup.

      Players may only play for one team in the Kick Off Cup.

5. No two (2) Clubs teams shall be drawn together in the first round of Pool Cup Play, unless there is only one group. (Ex: 4-5 Team Divisions) If two (2) Clubs teams are drawn to the same group the second team drawn shall be moved to the next available group.

6.  The league will send out host applications every November of the preceding year to all Clubs inviting them to host all or a part of the competition.

7.  The final selection of the venues is left to the discretion of the league executive

8.  Prior to a team’s first game a registration form must be filled out with the team’s complete roster and signed by an official club representative. This completed form must be handed in to the registration booth one hour before the start of the scheduled game. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of the game.

9. All Games that requires a winner will go directly to penalty kicks as per FIFA Law Rules.

10. Tie breaker in preliminary round will be determined as follows:

(1) Head to Head Results                                      

(2) Most Wins

(3) Goal Difference           

(4) Least goals against

(5) Penalty Kicks if both teams present

(6) Coin Toss

11. The League will pay all referees’ and assistant referees’ fees related to the KICK OFF CUP.  Game times for preliminary, and semis 2-25 minute halves, Finals are 2-35 minutes halves.

12. Substitutions will be allowed on your team’s own throw-ins, and when the opposing team is substituting on their throw-ins.

13. Game ball size will be as stated in the WRSL rules and regulations. The home team (the first team named on the schedule) must supply two properly inflated game balls, given to the referee before the start of the game.

14. The WRSL constitution and the WRSL rules and regulations are in full effect for all Kick Off Cup games. Any protest of a Kick Off Cup game must be filed within one hour of the completion of the game with the appropriate fee. A decision on the protest will be provided within twenty-four hours. The decision of the Leagues Cup Committee shall be binding on all parties and subject to no further appeal.

Teams reaching the finals will each receive an award accordingly, “Finalists”, and “Champion”.